Technology For Health
Tangazoletu was engaged in the design, development and roll out TIBU, Ministry of Health’s TB program electronic management system for Tuberculosis management in the country. The support for this world first solution was provided by USAID Kenya. This robust system manages TB patients testing and treatment, tracks commodity utilization and monitors TB program activities at community and hospital (facility) level. The system’s Finance and payment module disburses resources for patient support, supervision and monitoring activities seamlessly on Safaricom’s M-PESA platform. The payments are reviewed through an electronic approval process and reports generated for policy and programming.
The efficiency of the finance component has led to increased financial accountability and governance in the TB program. Tangazoletu continues to support and innovate on the system and has successfully increased organization using the platform.
Tuberculosis Accelerated Response and Care (TB-ARC)
Tangazoletu is one the consortium partners in the USAID funded 5 year programme. As the technology lead, Tangazoletu provides policy guidance, designs and implements technology for health and development solutions that improve Tuberculosis prevention, treatment and care. These solutions are modelled on best practice. These efficient and faster relay of Tuberculosis test results to clinicians thus ensuring that patients begin treatment early.
As a technology innovator, Tangazoletu champions the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) toward social and economic development with a particular emphasis on transforming lives of people. Our T4D applications have significantly impacted the health sector through innovations such as TIBU. These platflorms aim to improve data collection and use, revolutionize grant making, financial management, improve governance and increase accountability thus promoting sustainability as envisioned in the UN SDGs.