SpotCash You Now Can-02

Tangazoletu has developed an innovative product (SPOTCASH) that allows members of SACCOs and Microfinance institutions to be able to withdraw and deposit their money from and to their savings account respectively, simply by sending a Short Message Service (SMS) message to the SACCO requesting for the transaction. Once the withdrawal request has been received, the money shall then be transferred to the member’s MPesa account and the member shall then walk to a nearby M-Pesa store to redeem their money into cash.

SpotCash! Withdraw from savings account into your m-pesa account

Simple procedure that will see an account holder request for some money from their Savings account and have it withdrawn and added onto his M-Pesa account.

System features:

    Branchless banking

  • Time and location independence in banking
  • Value added service
  • Convenience and time saving to customers
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Easy and convenient ‘long distance’ banking

SpotCash –  A product of Tangazoletu Limited that is State-of-The-Art Application interface that enables one to withdraw money from their savings account and load it straight into their M-Pesa account just by sending a simple SMS request.

System Properties:

  • Easy to use procedure
  • Secure application with 32bit encryption and SSL
  • GUI web portal for management and reporting
  • Detailed audit trail of all activities
  • Detailed transaction and usage reports
  • Automatic End of Day (E.O.D) reconciliation routine


SpotCash Mobile Apps

Android SpotCash mobile app

Get SpotCash mobile app on Google play store

SpotCash windows app

Get SpotCash windows app on Windows Phone Store